Membership FAQ
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Member Accounts
How do I become a new Member?
Please see our Membership Registration page for membership levels, benefits and costs. You’ll also find a registration form on this page. NOTE: This form is for new members only.
How do I renew my Membership?
If you were a registered member in 2024, please renew your membership via our Members Area. If you were a registered member in 2023 or earlier, please register as a New Member.
How soon after I register is my account active?
For new membership registrations, please allow up to 24 hours for your account to be activated. You will receive an email with your login credentials upon activation. For existing members who renew, your renewal is active upon completion.
What does a yearly Membership cost?
A yearly Membership costs as little as $95 / year for non-profit businesses in Moorestown. We offer multiple levels of Membership, with the cost determined by your location and if your business is a non-profit. We offer a number of options to suit a range of needs and budgets.
How do I choose my Membership Level?
For both new Registrations and Renewals, you will be able to select any of the levels we offer, with the pricing based on your location (Moorestown, Neighbors, All Other Locations) and your business status (for profit or non-profit). See our Membership Registration page for details on the benefits and costs of each Level.
What payment options do you offer?
You may pay online via any major credit card, Apple Pay or by invoice. If paying by invoice, your Membership will not be official until your payment by check is received.
When can I register?
You can register anytime and your Membership will be good throughout the current year. We also typically offer early registration at the end of the year (in December) for the following year.
I registered late in the year. Is my Membership good for the following year?
No, memberships are only valid for the year in which you registered. They run for the calendar year, not on a 365 day basis. You should renew your membership as early as possible in each new year to receive the maximum benefits. For example, if you registered November 2024, that membership expires December 31, 2024. Therefore, you still need to renew your membership for 2025, ideally as soon as possible in January 2025.
I forgot my password. How do I regain access to my account?
Go to the Retrieve Lost Password page of our Members Area and enter the email you used to register your account. You will then receive emails with your credentials, including a temporary password. If you don’t know which email you used to register your account, please email us at for additional assistance.
How many events may I sponsor?
The number of events you may sponsor is dependent upon your Membership Level as follows:
Diamond = 4 events
Platinum = 3 events
Gold = 2 events
Silver = 1 event
Member = not eligible to sponsor
What are the benefits of being a Diamond Sponsor?
As a Diamond Sponsor you are eligible to have a booth space at each of our four events, if you choose to be there. Regardless of whether you have a booth or not, your company will be included in all event advertising and signage. The only event you will need to register for (at no extra cost) to reserve your space is Moorestown Day. For the other three events, someone will reach out to you in the weeks prior to ask if you would like to have a spot.
What about the annual Moorestown Day event?
Members of ALL levels are eligible to attend Moorestown Day. However, you must still register to reserve your spot.
When can I register for Moorestown Day or Autumn in Moorestown?
Vendor registration for our annual Main Street events Moorestown Day (June) and Autumn in Moorestown (October) typically opens about 4-6 weeks before our event dates. Please see our Events page for dates, descriptions and the option to register, when available.
What about Daffodil Day or Main Street Candlelight Stroll?
These events do not offer open vendor registration. Because Main Street remains open for both Daffodil Day (April) and Main Street Candlelight Stroll (November), space is limited. Instead, we feature artists and crafters for Daffodil Day, who are coordinated by the event co-chair — there is no formal registration process.
How do I register for an annual event?
When registration opens, registration buttons will appear under a specific event on our Events page. This will take you to a form that will allow you to register and pay for our events. If you don’t see an option to register, it means registration has not opened yet or is not permitted for that event.
What if I need more than 1 booth space at any event?
If permitted, you will have the option to pay for more than one booth space on our registration forms.
What are some of the benefits of being a Member?
For Moorestown Day (MTD), as a member, you are automatically eligible to register for one booth. For example, as a Platinum Member you select MTD as one of your sponsored events, your business will be listed as such on 2 half-page ads in the Moorestown Sun, on our website, and in social media posts promoting the event. There is a fee for a second booth. As a Platinum sponsor for Autumn in Moorestown (AIM), you would receive one booth automatically and would need to pay a fee for a second booth. The same advertising as for MTD applies.
I am a Diamond Member. When will I see my logo on the website?
You can expect to see your logo and website link added to the Diamond Sponsors area of our website within 2-3 business days after your paid registration has been confirmed.
Is there a Membership Directory?
Yes, we offer an Online Directory as well as a Printed Directory that is distributed to every address in Moorestown. The Online Directory is available year round and the Printed Directory is distributed in the Spring. To be included in our Printed Directory, please be sure to register your membership in the month of January.
Do you hold monthly meetings?
Yes, we hold monthly meetings every third Wednesday of the month, except in August. These meetings are generally held at the Moorestown Community House on Main Street. Lunch is included and the cost is $25 per person. We also offer a one-time option for current Members to bring a guest. This is a great opportunity for you to meet fellow members of the local business community, exchange ideas and opportunities, and network. We also usually feature a speaker who is expert on a business-related topic. To attend, use our Monthly Meeting registration form.
How do Member Email Blasts work?
Email blasts go out to all our members and past members. There is an online form accessible via our Members Area that you complete to provide the information and images you’d like included. Higher Membership Levels are entitled to a limited number of free Blasts, while any Member can pay for Blasts the cost of which is $25 per Blast.
How do Member Facebook Requests work?
There is an online form accessible via our Members Area that you complete to provide the information and images you’d like included. Higher Membership Levels are entitled to a limited number of free Requests, while any Member can pay for Blasts the cost of which is $25 per Request.
What is your Member Partnership Board?
The partnership board is an easy way for our Members to match resources with partners. Members can share partnership opportunities, volunteer opportunities, sponsorship needs, and community initiatives that help strengthen our local networks. The Partnership Board is not a sales resource and will not allow direct sales posts.
How do I add an event to your Events Calendar?
There is an online form accessible via our Members Area that you complete to provide the information you’d like included.
More Questions
I’ve encounted a website issue and need help. What do I do?
Please complete our Tech Support form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
I have a question that is not answered above. How do I get help?
For Event related questions, please email us at
For Member related questions, please email us at
For General questions, please email us at