Moorestown Auto Body

Business Info

Automotive Services

Contact: CRAIG DENNIN, President


Phone: 856-235-3733

26 E Camden Ave
Moorestown, NJ 08057


Auto Body Collision repairs, auto painting, and mechanical repairs. We work with all insurance companies, and have been in business for 36 years, under the same management too. We have a very good reputation.
Mechanically, we do all collision related repairs, and maintenance items as well.....Oil & Filter changes, tires, batteries, brakes, Air Conditioning repair and recharging, engine replacement, worn out suspension parts, bushings, etc. If we can't help you, we will do our best to refer you to a company that can best assist you.

The biggest benefit with using us for mechanical maintenance, when it's out of your pocket, and not covered by insurance, is our rates. We offer top care for the average car, at a lower cost to you, vs the rates of other companies that perform much of the same work as we do. Just using generic amounts here, would you rather pay $150 an hour for the same repair that we will do for $25-$50 less, PER HOUR!? It's easy math, and we've been around longer that the Lion share of local businesses. Give us a try, as you have nothing to lose, but......$25-$50 an hour to gain!

Monday thru Friday 8a.m. until 5p.m. No nights or weekends. Estimates are from 8:30 thru 4:30, daily. Estimates are NOT done by appointment, just walk in. (other shops, "chain shops", won't even take the time to give you an estimate without an appointment, and they often don't have a nice bed side manner either. Unfortunately, to them you are too often, just a number, so to speak. To us, you're a person, and we listen to you we talk to you, we talk about your car, your needs, how was your weekend, etc. . Maybe we're the difference between being human,. vs A.I. lol

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